It evaluates the electrical activity of the brain. It is an examination performed within the Department of Neurology (brain diseases). Brain activity in children and adults can be evaluated by EEG. Its duration may vary depending on the characteristics of the patient. Routine EEG examination takes an average of 1 hour. However, this period can be limited to 24 hours as long-term Video EEG monitoring.

With the EEG trigger, brain activity is evaluated. The deterioration in the electrical activity of the brain may indicate a neurological disease, especially epilepsy. However, the only disorder in the EEG is not limited to epilepsy. The slowdown in brain activity can be a sign of neurological or other systems related disorders other than epilepsy.

We said that EEG shows the electrical activity of the brain, in fact, it points to the rhythm of the brain. The brain has a rhythm and is an electrically active organ, that is, the electrical activity of the brain is continuous even when we sleep. Therefore, an abnormal change in this rhythm can be a sign of disease. It is often seen in neurology outpatient clinics. EEG examination is frequently used in patients with complaints such as seizures, fainting, forgetfulness, and dizziness.

Brain rhythm varies in children and adults. Therefore, EEG examination is evaluated by considering the age of the patient. Even changes can be made during EEG recording depending on the age of the patient, whether he is a child or an adult.


It is a test that shows brain activity. EEG examination is especially requested in the presence of complaints such as fainting, involuntary contractions in the body, lethargy, twitching or short-term dizziness. It has diagnostic value especially in epilepsy patients. EEG examination is performed in specially prepared laboratories. It is made by using electrodes, the number of which varies between 16 and 24 per head. By means of these electrodes, brain activity is recorded from the scalp. During the placement of the cables, a special conductive EEG paste is used to increase the conductivity and visibility of brain activity to the scalp and to obtain a clean recording. There are EEG recordings varying between 12 hours depending on the pre-diagnosis, complaint and compliance of the patient, with the average duration of the recording being 45. Of course, long-term EEG recordings are also performed in special patient groups. During the recording, the patient should be in a quiet, dim light environment. In the EEG recording, activities are performed by giving the patient a light stimulus in the form of blinking, deep breathing and photic stimulation at different periods of the recording, and accordingly, the change in brain activity is observed.EEG recording shows instant brain activity during recording, not as if taking a photo showing the structures of our brain like a brain MRI. Therefore, patients should be made aware of EEG repetitions. It can help you put in.